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Eof Function

Determines if the file pointer has reached the end of a file.


Eof (intexpression As Integer)

Return value:



Intexpression: An integer expression that evaluates to the number of an open file.

Use EOF to avoid errors when you attempt to get input past the end of a file. When you use the Input or Get statement to read from a file, the file pointer is advanced by the number of bytes read. When the end of a file is reached, EOF returns the value "True" (-1).

Error codes:

5 Invalid procedure call

52 Invalid file name or file number


  Sub ExampleWorkWithAFile      Dim iNumber As Integer      Dim sLine As String      Dim aFile As String      Dim sMsg As String      aFile = "C:\Users\ThisUser\data.txt"      iNumber = Freefile      Open aFile For Output As #iNumber      Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text"      Print #iNumber, "This is another line of text"      Close #iNumber      iNumber = Freefile      Open aFile For Input As iNumber      While Not eof(iNumber)          Line Input #iNumber, sLine          If sLine <>"" Then              sMsg = sMsg & sLine & chr(13)          End If      Wend      Close #iNumber      MsgBox sMsg  End Sub
  Sub ExampleWorkWithAFile      Dim iNumber As Integer      Dim sLine As String      Dim aFile As String      Dim sMsg As String      aFile = "~/data.txt"      iNumber = Freefile      Open aFile For Output As #iNumber      Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text"      Print #iNumber, "This is another line of text"      Close #iNumber      iNumber = Freefile      Open aFile For Input As iNumber      While Not eof(iNumber)          Line Input #iNumber, sLine          If sLine <>"" Then              sMsg = sMsg & sLine & chr(13)          End If      Wend      Close #iNumber      MsgBox sMsg  End Sub