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Sub Statement

Defines a subroutine.


Sub Statement diagram

[Private | Public] Sub name[(argument1 [As typename][, argument2[char][,...]])]
    ' statements
    [Exit Sub]
    ' statements
End Sub


name: Name of the subroutine.

arguments: Optional parameters that you want to pass to the subroutine.

argument fragment

argument fragment

      {[Optional [ByRef|ByVal]]|ParamArray} argument {{As typename|char}[ = expression]|[()]As Variant}

Optional: The argument is not mandatory.

ByRef: The argument is passed by reference. ByRef is the default.

ByVal: The argument is passed by value. Its value can be modified by the called routine.

char: Type declaration character.

typename: Primitive data type name. Library or module defined types can also be specified.

= expression: Specify a default value for the argument, matching its declared type. Optional is necessary for each argument specifying a default value.

ParamArray: Use ParamArray when the number of parameters is undetermined. A typical scenario is that of a Calc user-defined function. Using ParamArray should be limited to the last argument of a routine.

UsingParamArray or = expression require Option Compatible to be placed before the executable program code in a module.

When using Option VBASupport 1, Optional arguments with no default value (= expression) are initialised according to their data type, except if Variant.

typename fragment

primitive data types fragment

char fragment

type declaration characters

      { % | & | ! | # | $ | @ }


Sub ExampleExit
Dim sReturn As String
Dim sListArray(10) As String
Dim siStep As Single
    For siStep = 0 to 10 ' Fill array with test data
        sListArray(siStep) = chr$(siStep + 65)
        MsgBox sListArray(siStep)
    Next siStep
    sReturn = LinSearch(sListArray(), "B")
    Print sReturn
End Sub
Function LinSearch( sList(), sItem As String ) As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
' Linsearch searches a TextArray:sList() for a TextEntry:
' Return value is the index of the entry or 0 (Null)
    For iCount=1 To Ubound( sList() )
        If sList( iCount ) = sItem Then
            Exit For ' sItem found
        End If
    Next iCount
    If iCount = Ubound( sList() ) Then iCount = 0
    LinSearch = iCount
End Function