Sparklines are small data charts displayed inside a cell.
Sparklines are defined for one cell, but multiple sparklines can be joined together into a group. The group shares the same properties for rendering the sparkline. The unique data that is defined only for one sparkline is the data range, that a sparkline will use for rendering.
Choose Insert – Sparklines
Input range: enter the cell range of the data. Use the shrink button to select the data range with the mouse.
Output range: select the cell range to receive the sparkline. Use the shrink button to select the cell range with the mouse.
Type: select the sparkline type in the drop-down list. Choices are:
Line width: enter the line width number manually or use the spin button.
Display empty cells as: choices are available in the drop-down list:
Display hidden: check to show all columns or stacks in the range even when the data is in hidden cells. If unchecked, the hidden data is ignored.
Right-to-left: check to display the sparklines reverse order of the data.
Series: select the main colour for the sparklines.
Negative points: check and select the colour for negative points.
High points: check and select the colour for high points.
Low points: check and select the colour for low points.
Marker: check and select the colour for data points (line type only).
First point: check and select the colour for first point.
Last point: check and select the colour for last point.
Display X axis: check to show the X axis for sparklines.
Vertical minimum, Vertical maximum: check to set the minimum (maximum) value for the Y axis. Select one of following: