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Not Operator

Negates an expression by inverting the bit values.


Result = Not Expression


Result: A numeric variable that will contain the result of the negation.

Expression: An expression that you want to negate.

When a Boolean expression is negated, the value True changes to False and the value False changes to True.

In a bitwise negation each individual bit is inverted.


Sub ExampleNot
Dim vA As Variant, vB As Variant, vC As Variant, vD As Variant
Dim vOut As Variant
    vA = 10: vB = 8: vC = 6: vD = Null
    vOut = Not vA ' Returns -11
    vOut = Not(vC > vD) ' Returns -1
    vOut = Not(vB > vA) ' Returns -1
    vOut = Not(vA > vB) ' Returns 0
End Sub