Inspects objects in Office documents and shows supported UNO services, as well as available methods, properties and implemented interfaces.
This feature also allows to explore the document structure using the Document Object Model (DOM).
Choose Tools - Development Tools
Development Tools
The Development Tools are visible in all documents of Office Writer, Calc, Impress and Draw. The display is persistent and remain visible until deselected.
When Development Tools is enabled, a dockable window is shown at the bottom of the screen. This window has two sections:
This feature is available since Office 7.2 for Writer, Calc, Impress and Draw.
The left side of the window contains a Current Selection toggle button, a Refresh button and a tree view that displays all objects in the document.
The behaviour of the tree view depends on the status of the Current Selection toggle button:
The types of objects displayed by the Document Model Tree View depend on the Office application being used:
Office application | Supported objects |
Writer | ParagraphsText Portions in a ParagraphShapesTablesFramesGraphic ObjectsEmbedded Objects (OLE)Style Families and Styles |
Calc | SheetsShapes per sheetCharts per sheetPivot tables per sheetStyle Families and Styles |
Impress | SlidesShapes per slideMaster slidesStyle Families and Styles |
Draw | PagesShapes per pageStyle Families and Styles |
The right side of the window is the Object Inspection Panel that displays information about the object being inspected.
Class Name: is the name of the object class.
Use the class name to search more information in the API documentation. For example, the top-level object in a Writer document is an instance of the class SwXTextDocument, which is documented at SwXTextDocument Class Reference.
You can inspect the object further by using the four tabs available that display its Interfaces, Services, Properties and Methods.
The information about the object is organised in columns in each tab. The set of columns displayed depend on the selected tab.
Contains a single column presenting the list of interfaces implemented by the object.
Contains a single column presenting the list of services supported by the object.
Contains four columns that describe the properties of the object:
The Properties tab also includes a text box on the bottom to display the full textual representation of the property value.
Contains four columns that describe the combined list of methods that can be called by the current object: