Footnotes reference more information about a topic at the bottom of a page and endnotes reference information at the end of the document. Office automatically numbers the footnotes and endnotes.
Click in your document where you want to place the anchor of the note.
In the Numbering area, select the format that you want to use. If you select Character, click the Choose button and select the character that you want to use for the footnote.
In the Type area, select Footnote or Endnote.
Click OK.
Type the note.
You can also insert footnotes by clicking the Insert Footnote Directly icon on the Insert toolbar.
You can insert endnotes directly by clicking the Insert Endnote icon on the Standard or Insert toolbar or choose Insert - Footnote and Endnote - Endnote.
.Shortcut keys can be made to insert, edit, and navigate to footnotes and endnotes. Choose Tools - Customise - Keyboard tab and enter note in the Functions box to see possibilities.