The Insert menu contains commands for inserting new elements, such as images, text boxes, object, media, cell names and much more into the current sheet.
Opens a file selection dialogue box to insert an image into the current document.
Inserts a chart.
Sparklines are small data charts displayed inside a cell.
Opens a dialogue box where you can select the source for your pivot table, and then create your table.
The sub-menu presents various sources that an image, audio or video can be insert from.
Inserts an embedded or linked object into your document, including formulas, QR codes, and OLE objects.
This sub-menu contains common shapes like a line, circle, triangle and square, or a symbol shape like a smiley face, heart and flower that can be inserted into the document.
Opens the Function Wizard, which helps you to interactively create formulas.
Allows you to name the different sections of your spreadsheet document. By naming the different sections, you can easily navigate through the spreadsheet documents and find specific information.
Draws a text box with horizontal text direction where you drag in the current document. Drag a text box to the size you want anywhere in the document, and then type or paste your text. Rotate the text box to get rotated text.
Inserts a comment around the selected text, presentation slide, drawing page or at the current spreadsheet cursor position.
Inserts a floating frame into the current document. Floating frames are used in HTML documents to display the contents of another file.
Opens the Fontwork dialogue box from which you can insert styled text not possible through standard font formatting into your document.
Opens a dialogue box that enables you to create and edit hyperlinks.
Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.
Opens a sub-menu to insert special formatting marks like non-breaking space, soft hyphen, and optional break.
Inserts the current date in the cell.
Inserts the current time in the cell.
Opens a sub-menu for selecting the date, sheet name or document title in the cell.
Allows you to define and format headers and footers.
This sub-menu contains form controls like a text box, check box, option button, and list box that can be inserted into the document.
Insert a graphic box representing a signature line of the document.