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Declare Statement

Declares and defines a subroutine in a DLL file that you want to execute from Office Basic.

See also: FreeLibrary


Declare {Sub | Function} Name Lib "Libname" [Alias "Aliasname"] [Parameter] [As Type]


Name: A different name than defined in the DLL, to call the subroutine from Office Basic.

Aliasname: Name of the subroutine as defined in the DLL.

Libname: File or system name of the DLL. This library is automatically loaded the first time that the function is used.

ArgumentList: List of parameters representing arguments that are passed to the procedure when it is called. The type and number of parameters is dependent on the executed procedure.

Type: Defines the data type of the value that is returned by a function procedure. You can exclude this parameter if a type-declaration character is entered after the name.

To pass a parameter to a subroutine as a value instead of as a reference, the parameter must be indicated by the keyword ByVal.


Declare Sub MyMessageBeep Lib "user32.dll" Alias "MessageBeep" ( Long )
Sub ExampleDeclare
Dim lValue As Long
    lValue = 5000
    MyMessageBeep( lValue )
    FreeLibrary("user32.dll" )
End Sub