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Partition Function [VBA]

Returns a string indicating where a number occurs within a calculated series of ranges.

This constant, function or object is enabled with the statement Option VBASupport 1 placed before the executable program code in a module.


Partition( Number, Start, End, Interval)

Return value:



Number: Required. The number to determine the partition.

Start: Required. An integer number defining the lower value of the range of numbers.

End: Required. An integer number defining the highest value of the range.

Interval: Required. An integer number that specifies the size of the partitions within the range of numbers (between Start and End).


        Option VBASupport 1
        Option Explicit
        Sub Test-Partition
            Dim retStr As String
            retStr = Partition(20, 0, 98, 5)
            print "20:24  the number 20 occurs in the range: " & retStr
            retStr = Partition(20, 0, 99, 1)
            print " 20: 20 the number 20 occurs in the range: " & retStr
            retStr = Partition(120, 0, 99, 5)
            print  "100:  the number 120 occurs in the range: " & retStr
            retStr = Partition(-5, 0, 99, 5)
            print "   : -1 the number -5 occurs in the range: " & retStr
            retStr = Partition(2, 0, 5, 2)
            print " 2: 3 the number 2 occurs in the range: " & retStr
        End Sub