Convert a string as specified by a conversion type.
This constant, function or object is enabled with the statement Option VBASupport 1 placed before the executable program code in a module.
StrConv(Text, Conversion, [ LCID ])
Text: Any valid string expression.
Conversion: The type of conversion to perform, as defined in the table below.
Conversion | Value | Description |
vbUpperCase | 1 | Converts Text characters to uppercase. |
vbLowerCase | 2 | Converts Text characters lowercase. |
vbProperCase | 3 | Converts the first letter of every word in Text to uppercase. |
vbWide | 4 | Converts narrow (half-width) characters in Text to wide (full-width) characters. |
vbNarrow | 8 | Converts wide (full-width) characters in Text to narrow (half-width) characters. |
vbKatakana | 16 | Converts Hiragana characters in Text to Katakana characters. |
vbHiragana | 32 | Converts Katakana characters in Text to Hiragana characters. |
vbUnicode | 64 | Converts Text characters to Unicode characters using the default code page of the system. |
vbFromUnicode | 128 | Converts Text characters from Unicode to the default code page of the system. |
LCID Optional. The Locale ID in decimal number. If this parameter is omitted, it assumes the system Locale ID. Refer to the file msi-encodinglist.txt for the available LCID values.
Option VBASupport 1
Option Explicit
Sub Test-StrConv
Print StrConv("abc EFG hij", vbUpperCase) '= "ABC EFG HIJ"
Print StrConv("abc EFG hij", vbLowerCase) ' = "abc efg hij"
Print StrConv("abc EFG hij", vbProperCase) ' = "Abc Efg Hij"
REM Converts narrow (single-byte) characters in string to wide
Print StrConv("ABCDEVB¥ì¥¹¥¥å©", vbWide) ' = "ABCDEVB¥ì¥¹¥¥å©"
REM Converts wide (double-byte) characters in string to narrow (single-byte) characters
Print StrConv("ABCD@$%23'?EG", vbNarrow) ' = "ABCD@$%23'?EG"
REM Converts Hiragana characters in string to Katakana characters
Print StrConv("かたかな", vbKatakana) ' = "カタカナ"
REM Converts Katakana characters in string to Hiragana characters
Print StrConv("カタカナ", vbHiragana) '= "かたかな"
REM Assumes CP-1252 encoding associated with en-US locale used in unit tests.
Dim x() As Byte
x = StrConv("ÉϺ£ÊÐABC", vbFromUnicode)
Print UBound(x) ' 8 characters
Print x(2) ' = 186
Print StrConv(x, vbUnicode)' = "ÉϺ£ÊÐABC"
End Sub