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Form Wizard - Arrange Controls

On this page of the Wizard, you can select the layout of the created form.

To access this command...

Click Use Wizard to Create Form in a database file window.

Label placement

Align left

The labels are left-aligned.

Align right

The labels are right-aligned.

Arrangement of the main form

Columnar - Labels Left

Aligns the database fields column-wise with the labels to the left of the fields.

Columnar - Labels on Top

Aligns the database fields column-wise with the labels above the field.

As Data Sheet

Aligns the database fields in a tabular form.

In Blocks - Labels Above

Arranges the labels above the corresponding data.

Arrangement of the sub-form

Columnar - Labels Left

Aligns the database fields column-wise with the labels to the left of the fields.

Columnar - Labels on Top

Aligns the database fields column-wise with the labels above the field.

As Data Sheet

Aligns the database fields in a tabular form.

In Blocks - Labels Above

Arranges the labels above the corresponding data.

Form Wizard - Set data entry