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To Polygon

Converts the selected object to a polygon (a closed object bounded by straight lines). The appearance of the object does not change. If you want, you can right-click and choose Edit Points to view the changes.

To access this command...

Choose Shape - Convert - To Polygon (Office Draw only)

Open the context menu of a selected object and choose Convert - To Polygon

Converting Bitmap Images into Vector Graphics

Convert to Polygon

The following options are required to convert a bitmap image to a polygon. The converted image is actually a collection of smaller polygons filled with colour.


Set the conversion options for the image.

Number of colours:

Enter the number of colours to be displayed in the converted image. Office generates a polygon for each occurrence of a colour in the image.

Point reduction

Removes colour polygons that are smaller than the pixel value you enter.

Fill holes

Fills the colour gaps caused by applying a point reduction.

Tile size

Enter the size of the rectangle for the background fill.

Source image:

Preview of the original image.

Vectorised image:

Preview of the converted image. Click Preview to generate the vectorised image.


Displays the conversion progress.


Previews the converted image without applying the changes.