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Page Watermark

Insert a watermark text in the current page style background.

To access this command...

Choose Format - Watermark.

A watermark is an identifying image or pattern in paper that appears as various shades of brightness when viewed by transmitted light. Watermarks were originally created directly during paper manufacturing to discourage counterfeiting of documents, currency bills, stamps and more.

Use watermarks in Office Writer to simulate a paper watermark on the document pages.

Fill the dialogue box settings below.

The values entered apply to the actual page style.

Watermark dialogue box


Enter the watermark text to be displayed as image in the page background.


Select the font from the list.

You cannot choose font size or font style for the watermark text. The text size will be scaled to fit in one line in the page background.


Select the rotation angle for the watermark. The text will be rotated by this angle in anticlockwise direction.


Select the transparency level for the watermark. A 0% value produces an opaque watermark and a value of 100% is totally transparent (invisible).


Select a colour from the drop-down box.

To change a watermark content or setting.

If the watermark in use is a text inserted by the Format - Watermark menu command or by the document classification settings, you can edit the contents and settings on opening the watermark dialogue box.